Object: Elegance in everything
Area: 250 m2
Client: private person
Objective: a full range of works, design, decoration, furniture supply, decoration.
The apartments are in a unique location. Apartment owners love to read, so large libraries are provided in the living room, a place to sit down to read. The place for a unique collection of paintings in the center of the living room found its place as a family fireplace, which gives warmth on cold winter evenings.
1012, Hungary, Budapest,
Toldy Ferenc 62b
+36 30 218 9169
1012, Hungary, Budapest,
Toldy Ferenc 62b
+36 30 218 9169
1012, Hungary, Budapest,
Toldy Ferenc 62b
+36 30 218 9169
“Architechture give a special form to the world, which makes our feelings, and dictates a model of behaviour”